It was weird weather in York yesterday, warm but sporadically rainy and very grey. I had to go in to town to the bank, and walked past the entrance to another of York's snickelways, Lady Peckett's yard, on my way. I nipped down it to take this photo, and stayed there for a few moments looking around and feeling like I was back in time. The grey weather contributed to the atmosphere. (I would however have dearly loved to have moved those bins in the background, out of the photo, but they were too big and heavy, with no where else for them to go!)
This snickelway was once called Bacusgail (1312) or Bakehouse Lane. but was later renamed after the wife of a former Lord Mayor of York.
Bins aside this is really like stepping back in time!
Lady Peckett was also the owner of the Golden Fleece public house around the corner in Pavement.
I wondered why that particular yard was named after her, it seemed strange!
I love the term snickelway - I haven't come across it before.
the wheelie bins are a contrast dating the photo but then such things are
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