I was very pleased to discover today, in the dim and murky depths of my groaning "My Pictures" folder, a set of photographs I took about a year and a half ago, and which I'd started to think I'd taken in a dream. I thought this one fitted nicely into my "Bits of the Minster" occasional series.
Can you guess where I was when I took it? The answer is in a photo I posted ... oo, around a couple of weeks back, I reckon. ;-)
Were you in a deHavilland Beaver? That was my first guess.
My second guess is 'the blott on the landscape', or the York Spy or whatever it's called.
Do I win anything?
Beautiful view - really shows off THE Minster.
I've enjoyed the tour of Guy F's birthplace - well done capturing all that.
Were you standing on top of a imo after visiting Pizza Hut??
Sorry, I meant "Limo"!
The top of the Norman Tower?
I'm guessing Wayne means the wheel, and that he's right :o)
Hi Ruby, I also think you took the photo from the Wheel, unless you've taken up gliding! But I suspect that in that case the photo wouldn't have been so in focus. BTW my digital camera has "expired". Any suggestion on a good/reasonable priced one for Xmas? Thanks. Ciao. Antonella
I don't know but where ever it was, you had an awesome view!
Not a clue, But it's a fabulous skyline. he only York one I are film ones, wherever they are. So many photos, so little time.
Great photo. I guess it was somewhere high!
Wayne, I wish your first guess had been the correct one. But the second one was and YES you win something. Special pic coming up on Thurs (Is it a train, is it a steam roller, is it some cleavage? Oo, suspense!)
Jo, thanks for posting the clarification note, I was all puzzled trying to work out what an imo was!! Good guess tho'!!
Jane, not quite high enough, would have had to have been on top of the Cathedral I think;-)
Antonella, I'm having a think about the camera and will be in touch!
Thanks all for your guesses, quite a few right answers there!
Wayne, I wish your first guess had been the correct one. But the second one was and YES you win something. Special pic coming up on Thurs (Is it a train, is it a steam roller, is it some cleavage? Oo, suspense!)
Jo, thanks for posting the clarification note, I was all puzzled trying to work out what an imo was!! Good guess tho'!!
Jane, not quite high enough, would have had to have been on top of the Cathedral I think;-)
Antonella, I'm having a think about the camera and will be in touch!
Thanks all for your guesses, quite a few right answers there!
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