I think I must have changed at some point in the late nineties, when we were being crowded out of our house by amassed books, from university text books to the bestsellers of five years ago. I got rid of the lot.
I still love books, but once I've read them, out they go, and when I want to use reference books I go to the library. My inner gypsy doesn't like clutter. She needs to be ready to take off at any moment, without having to worry about what to do with books.
The above photograph shows a room in one of York's many second hand book shops. This one's just next to the Minster. I love browsing this shop, but you can safely say that no room in my house will ever look like it!
This post was for City Daily Photo Blogs' Theme Day Nov 1st 2008 : Books.
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
I did the same thing. The walls were covered in my books. I sorted them out and gave them all away. Now I only keep them a few weeks and then either try to donate them to a library or give them away. I also have set stacks out on the curb by the street and passers by stop, sort through and by the end of the day they are all gone.
I forgot about theme day today so I just found some of the books I wrote and took a photo and published that. Too late to be included in the group but it worked for me. LOL
I wish I could do that, but we're too in love with our books still. And it doesn't help that our public library system is awful! Gypsies my husband and I aren't, so I'm giving thought to having two unused rooms in the house remodeled into a real library someday. Until that happens, our house will continue to be messier than this room! ;D
Ruby, thank you for your visits while I've been busy with my sister and nieces! I really appreciate it. They left at noon today so I'll have time to be a virtual tourist again — maybe it'll arrest the depression I can feel beginning to kick in.
I love second hand book stores and this one looks so cozy, love the warm glow your photo gives it.
How good of you to not keep a bunch of books around. I wish I could weed through more of mine but can't let go of my favorites. I kind of get attached to some of the characters and I have to keep them safe on my shelf :)
Happy theme day Ruby! (and thanks for the sweet comment :) )
At first I thought these were all yours!
Its good to read and then pass them on to charity shops or friends. Glad you've kept yourself free :)
Love this theme day about books and I like your photo. It depicts a shops but it could be easily mistaken for a very "crowded" living room. When our books started piling up around the house, I've decided to borrow from friends/libraries ecc. and give the ones I have to friends and using bookcrossing.com to "spread" them around. I rarely read a book twice anyway. Have a nice weekend. Ciao. Antonella
What a great post, and I can totally relate to it. I finally whittled my collection down to antique children's books that had belonged to various family members.
I love these old shops, I could spend hours there. I nearly had a heart attack though when I read of you getting rid of your books - I can't bear to get rid of them, and I love the colour they add to the house. When I'm an old granny I suspect I'm going to be surrounded by books rather than cats ;)
Every now and again I try to reduce my books - we loan and borrow here as I don't read much in French - but I find it hard to give so many away. They are part of life. Love this place, it's more like a home than a bookshop. Super post.
The last time I moved I eliminated most of the books. I still like them, I don't walk past many bookstores, new or used and I keep books if I think I might need them. But I don't accumulate them.
Our library system is impressive and I access it constantly.
I like your philosophy on the personal library. My problem is we love books so much, it would be difficult to part with the many we often reference and use to do research. Plus, with children, the gypsy life style is no longer possible, but it's nice to dream.;)
By the way, check out my blog tomorrow, I have awarded you an award :)
Books do so accumulate that sometimes we become entrapped by them.
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