Rowntree Park is just near our house. I took the kids there yesterday afternoon, along with their friend and they played happily for ages in the playground. Then I looked round to find the lake and sky were pink, and managed to quickly grab this shot. The park closes at dusk, and the park keeper was already on the way over to us to say time up, jangling his keys, as I took this. 4.40 pm, if you wondered!
I love the colours - it seems so restful.
that is so lovely enlarged, beautiful Tudor in the background.
lumiere et reflet magnifique, c'est le moment préféré des photographes, bravo.
light and splendid image, it is the favourite instant of the photographers, bravo.
What a pretty picture. Bet it was a cold night.
Great colors in this shot
Hi Ruby
Thanks for dropping by on my Leeds (ish) blog. I am new to the whole blog thing, 34 days and counting. Luckily my mate is ace photographer, he is giving me tips on that side of it, his stuff is used in The Times, The Telegraph, Time Magazine ad nauseum.
Like the photo today, nice colours.
At least the kids were to busy to try thwarting you that day. And I'm glad. This is a beautiful photo, Ruby! Thank you.
Excellent capture of dusk creeping in. It looks lovely.
That's such a lovely photo. Gorgeous colours!
Wow, it looks so nice. It does not seems like Rowntree Park! Don't misunderstand me please, I do not mind RP at all, but this photo is magnificent and RP is usually a bit messy! Ciao. Antonella
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