Sunday 25 January 2009

Ruby investigates Roman York in St Helen's Square - with "help" from Little J

My youngest son Little J is not particularly into historical stuff, unlike my eldest Erik who loved it when he was this age. Above is Little J on Saturday, pictured thwarting my attempt to photograph the location of the Praetorian Gate - the main entrance into the fortress of Eboracum (York) established AD 71. He had just bought a new game for his Wii with some Christmas money, and wanted to go home and play it. So he decided to pogo around me and my camera in protest.

Here is the same location, St Helen's Square, without Little J pogo-ing into the photo. The road you can see between the blue and black shop fronts there is Stonegate, and follows the line of the original main road into the fortress established by Roman soldiers who built the first city of York, all those centuries ago (there was nothing here before the Romans' arrival, at this strategic meeting point of two rivers, the Foss and the Ouse).

Nothing left of the Romans' gate here now, but five minutes away in the Museum Gardens stands a multangular tower that was part of the fortress's defences.

Ruby: Would you like to go and see it?
Little J: Oh, all right then! But can we go home, soon?
Ruby: Look, I'll do you a deal. If we can go see the ruins, we'll watch Mr Yellow juggling for a bit first.
Little J: Done!


Tanya Breese said...

Great photos Ruby. Your little J sounds just like my little B and D,lol...Before they started school, I'd run them through antique stores and they'd be bored silly. When they were starting kindergarten they told me I can go through the antique stores all day now while they are in school,lol. Little J is a cutie :)

Anonymous said...

Ah it all looks so familiar! I'm hoping to get back to York to see friends next month - we can't stay away too long!

lunarossa said...

Hi Ruby, I think Little J was very patient considering what you were offereing to him instead of playing on his Wii. Personally I'm totally hooked on Mario Kart. I fight my kids every day for it! And the Wii console belongs to ME! Unfortunately not the games! Have a nice weekk. Ciao. Antonella